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Press Release Indonesian Women Artists IWA3: Infusions Into Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Indonesia, Jl. Merdeka Timur 14, Jakarta

Press meeting: 29 March at 3 pm,

We are happy to announce the exhibition Infusions Into Contemporary Art featuring 10 auspicious Indonesian women artists aged over 50, whose conceptual and artistic consistency have been marked by continuous creative peaks over two decades, signaling their contributions to contemporary art which must be duly chronicled in art historical writing.  

The artists are Arahmaiani (1961; Bibiana Lee (1956); Dolorosa Sinaga (1952; Dyan Anggraini (1957); Indah Arsyad (1965); Melati Suryodarmo (1969), Mella Jaarsma (1960), Nunung WS (1948; Titarubi (1968), Sri Astari Rasjid (1953). The exhibition is organized by Cemara Enam Foundation, as part of its continuous effort to fill the gaps in Indonesian art-historical writings that used to leave women’s contributions behind, resulting in incomplete art historical revelaions.

The Foundation whose founder the late Toeti Heraty Noerhadi Roosseno also founded Cemara-Gallery Museum, also organized the publication and exhibition Into the Future, held at the National Gallery of Indonesia in February 2019. It featured 21 artists aged between 27 and 41.

The exhibition Infusions into Contemporary Art opens on 29 March for limited invitees, while the wider public is welcome between 30 March and 24 April 2022. Attendance is by registration.

Inda C.Noerhadi, director Cemara Enam Foundation
Carla Bianpoen, curator
Citra Smara Dewi, curator

Indonesian Women Artists # 3 : Infusions Into Contemporary Art

Ten Contemporary Women Artists
Envisioning the world ahead


During the past few centuries, art by women artists has not enjoyed adequate exposure due to a prevailingly male dominated society, resulting in a great lack of information and understanding of women artists’ contributions to the world of painting, sculpture and other forms of art, leaving huge gaps in the writing of Indonesian art history. 

To remedy the lack, Carla Bianpoen, Farah Wardani and Wulan Dirgantoro decided it was time to fill the gap in art historical publications which had somehow left the women behind. They undertook a major research into the lives and works of women artists of random ages, resulting in the book Indonesian Women Artists: The Curtain Opens, which was published alongside an exhibition curated by Wulan Dirgantoro. Encompassing 33 women artists, the book was published by the Visual Art Foundation, Yayasan Seni Rupa Indonesia and launched at the National Gallery of Indonesia on 16 February 2019. 

In 2019, the co-founders of Indonesian Women Artists (IWA) including Carla Bianpoen and Cemara Enam Foundation launched the book “Indonesian Women Artists #2 : Into The Future”, together with the exhibition by 21 young contemporary women artists, aged between 27 until 41 years, at the National Gallery of Indonesia. In this, the late Professor Dr. Toety Heraty Noerhadi-Roosseno who founded Cemara Enam Foundation and the Cemara- 6 Gallery-Museum on 4 December 1993, was an important patron, whose legacy of ideas, conceptual thoughts and mission stand as an enlightening example that we are committed to fulfill. 

Ten artists envision the world as they see it. In this very special exhibition of “IWA #3 : Infusions Into Contemporary Art”, we will present 10 fascinating women artists who in their careers and spectacular works have been consistently productive during two decades and whose creative works have become well-known nationally and internationally. The artists are: Arahmaiani, Bibiana Lee, Dyan Anggraini, Dolorosa Sinaga, Indah Arsyad, Mella Jaarsma, Melati Suryodarmo, Nunung WS, Sri Astari Rasjid and Titarubi.  The exhibition which runs from presents a world of diverse imaginations in a unity not unlike  the national and global understanding of Unity in Diversity.


Special thanks to the patrons who generously supported IWA#2 and IWA#3, the late Prof. Dr. Toeti Heraty Noerhadi-Roosseno, Prof. Dr. Saparinah Sadli and Giok Hartono; and our standing advisor Maman Wiryawan. Our high appreciation goes to Bapak Pustanto, the Head of the National Gallery of Indonesia who has been very supportive of this IWA#3 exhibitions and Dr. Hilmar Farid, the Director General of Culture, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology through his generous support for the exhibition of women artists since the beginning and for Bapak Yudi Wahyudin, one of the directors who has updated the status of the exhibition intensively.  To the secretary of the Director General of Culture, Bapak Fitra Arda whose kind assistance we duly recognized.

Many thanks are due to Ahmad Mahendra, Director of Film, Music and Media and Tubagus Andre Sukmana for their insights into the importance of documenting the creative process of these 10 women artists with a film that is produced for the very first time in history.

I would also like to thank all those who helped to make and support this exhibition: the patrons,the artists, National Gallery of Indonesia, photographers, film documentary, videographers, virtual 360 and the archives Tim Motion Graphic Linimasa; Gita Hastarika, Lisistara Lusiandiana (Indonesian Visual Art Archive) dan Maura Zulfa Rumany.

I much appreciate the efforts of the initiator, especially Ibu Carla Bianpoen, as a writer as well as curator who never gave up, the curator Citra Smara Dewi and Widia Djatiningrum for her moral support since 2018 to the Cemara 6 Galeri-Museum, our Exhibition team Restu Imansari Kusumaningrum, and Agung Hujatnikajennong and particularly Ily Ditanesia who has stood by us from the very early beginning. 

Last but not least, huge thanks to all the women artists: Arahmaiani, Bibiana Lee, Dyan Anggraini, Dolorosa Sinaga, Indah Arsyad, Mella Jaarsma, Melati Suryodarmo, Nunung W.S., Sri Astari Rasjid, and Titarubi. Their involvement and participation sets a defining mark on the importance of this exhibition with its variety of media, from painting, drawing, sculpture, film and performance to photography, installation art, and ancient mythical symbols morphed into advanced science and technology and digital video installations. 

Next Step

let me close with the hope that we will all continue to be blessed with good health and may our next step: an International Women’s Biennale, take shape in the not too distant future.

Inda Citraninda Noerhadi
Cemara Enam Foundation
Jakarta, March 2022



The exhibition Infusions into Contemporary Art brings together 10 senior women artists in the ages between 53 and 74. They have been selected based on their insistent consistency in creating art works and spreading creative thoughts that are infusing our artistic horizons in a forward-looking spirit for a better world, while braving ever challenging situations. The artists are: Arahmaiani (1961); Bibiana Lee (1956), Dolorosa Sinaga (1952), Dyan Anggraini (1957), Indah Arsyad (1965), Melati Suryodarmo (1969), Mella Jaarsma (1960), Nunung WS (1948), Titarubi (1968), Sri Astari Rasjid (1953).

While the works of each of these artists have a typical character of their own, a plurality shines through in the diversity of concepts and executions of the works with a plethora of various materials, including traditional as well as advanced technologies. Yet they are all united in a forward-looking spirit for the good of humanity and the world at large. Some from the beginning have been at the forefront of promoting equality and the dignity of men and women, others have highlighted the paths towards a peaceful co-existence, while others have underlined how symbols of ancient myths and legends can be morphed into technological prowess, and yet others have delved into our historical past to reveal the issues and solutions for the present time.

The contemporary works of 10 senior women is a momentum to behold. Not only because of their enduring consistency, but more so because their presence testifies to their ever changing rejuvenation of infusions into the development of art in Indonesia and their enduring contributions to the contemporary art world, signifying their prowess which must be duly noted in the writing of Indonesian art history.

May you be inspired by the works and the creative minds laid bare in this exhibition.

Carla Bianpoen
Inda C. Noerhadi 
Citra Smara Dewi.

Jakarta 29 March 2022


Press Conference March 29th, 2022
National Gallery Indonesia, Jakarta