Into The Future

Indonesian Women Artists #2



Cemara 6 Galeri Museum was established on 4 December, 1993. Its set up was inspired by a feminist spirit of her founder Prof. Dr. Toeti Heraty N-Roosseno. Consequently, this spirit has been our all-time inspiration to support women artists’ creative forces. In 1998, for instance, we organized “Women in the Realm of Spirituality”, an exhibition of 16 Indonesian women artists, which was held at the National Gallery of Indonesia as well as at the Pontifical University of Gregoriana, Roma-Italia.

In early 2019 we ventured into our maiden publication of an arts book on women artists. Authored by the senior writer of contemporary art, Carla Bianpoen, the book titled “Indonesian Women Artists: “Into the Future” was launched along with an exhibition of the same title, informing on the works of 21 contemporary women artists representing a new direction in contemporary art. Held at the National Gallery of Indonesia from 26 February – 16 March 2019, the event extended with a range of public programs, such as a Book Launch, Art Talks and Discussions.

The importance of the exhibition Indonesian Women Artists: “Into the Future”, which was held at the Nastional Gallery here lies in its providing the general public with in-depth information and knowledge on art development in Indonesia, and women artists’ particular roles in it. Watching the works in person and from close-by, the public, enjoyed access to visual and aesthetic experience, which GNI is happy to have helped facilitate.

Artists IWA #2, Into The Future


All rights reserved. Book & cover artworks by Afterhours Books

Author: Carla Bianpoen

Patrons: Prof. Dr. Toeti Heraty N. Roosseno, Sri Astari Rasjid, Giok Hartono

Chairperson: Dr. Inda Citraninda Noerhadi

Advisors: WS Wiryawan, Ade Krisnaraga Syarfuan, Inti Nusantari Subagio

Editors : Marjie Suanda, Carla Bianpoen, Eddy Soetriyono

Communications: Widia Djatiningrum

Liaison Officer: Ily Ditanesia

Special assistant: Ardiles Hamzah

Producer: Lans Brahmantyo, Afterhours Books

Book designer: Rie Naftali

Production supervisor: Reza Inovani

Printer: PT Indonesia Printer

Printed in Indonesia

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from authors and the publisher.

First edition © 2019

Cemara Enam Foundation & Afterhours Books

Any copy of this book issued by the publisher as a hardcover or paperback is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than in which it is published and without a similar condition including these words being imposed on a subsequent purchaser.

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Indonesian women in the arts Part I: How Cemara 6 Galeri Museum has supported Indonesian women in becoming artists

Exhibition Day/Highlights

Indonesian women in the arts Part I: How Cemara 6 Galeri Museum has supported Indonesian women in becoming artists

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