Andrita Yuniza Orbandi


Artist Statement


“ Everything in this world is time-based. Everything has its own period. There will be an end for every start. Life is about repeating the same exact 24 hour a day, over and over again, until we run out of chance. The only difference is what we do with our time. Control or be controlled. Therefore, I think in order to survive life and make the best out of 24 hour we have, we must develop a strong heart. Hence, no matter what happens outside, today or tomorrow, we will be able to stand strong and attain the peace inside. To me, the world today is like living in a jungle—where the strongest beats the weakest.”

Birds create its nest as their home as well as their sanctuary and fort. Birds can’t change the weather and the predators but they can control their sanctuary by creating a strong structure. If we think of the nest as the analogy of a human’s heart, I think heart is the center of our universe. Just like nest to birds when surviving their jungle life. Our only fort is not a big house, great career and tons of money, but a strong heart.

Change takes time. In order to attain a strong heart we need perseverance and endurance. Therefore, freedom is not when we have no enemy or problems—just like predators, bad weathers or threats. Freedom is when we have an utmost authority over ourselves, whenever it is.

CV & Bio



2012 Proctor High School, Minnesota, US

2016 BFA Visual Arts, Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

2017 Erasmus in Freie Kunst (Visual Arts), Hochschüle für Bildende Künste, Braunschweig, Germany

Solo Exhibitions

2017 ‘Spielen’ – Solo show for researching happiness project, Artmax, Braunschweig, Germany

2016 ‘Menuju Titik Ba’, BFA Final Presentation at CC Timur Yard of Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Selected Group Exhibitions

2018 Indonesian Art Award 2018: Dunia Komik, Galeri Nasional, Jakarta, Indonesia

2018 Soemardja Sound Art Project 2018, Galeri Soemardja Bandung, Indonesia

2017 Bandung Contemporary Art Awards 5, Lawang Wangi, Bandung, Indonesia

2017 ‘Protest’ – Rundang bei Klasse Kummer, Artmax, Braunschweig, Germany

2017 ‘Sergi’, TBMYO Cam At lyesi, Adiyaman, Turkey

2017 Participant Documenta 14, Athens, Greece

2017 Performer ‘Silent Condition’ by Enric Fort Ballester, Kunstverein Wolfenbüttel, Germany

2016 ‘Tilu’, HBK Braunschweig, Germany

2015 ‘Lifestyle of ASEAN’–“Against All Odds”, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul, South Korea – Hanam Art Center, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea –
Gyeonju Arts Center, Gyung-buk Province, South Korea

2015 Chiang-Mai Photo Festival 2015—“Family Means Nobody is Left Behind”, Chiang Mai, Thailand

2014 15x15x15 Mini Art Project #5: Colossal, Galeri Soemardja Bandung, Indonesia Awards

2018 Finalist Gudang Garam Indonesia Art Award ‘Dunia Komik’, Indonesia

2017 Finalist Bandung Contemporary Art Award 5, Indonesia

2017 Winner LED Wettbewerb von Volksbank Brawo, Germany

2017 Awardee DAAD Stipendium Programme Stibet

2016 Finalist Ganesha Prize Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

2016 Awardee The Most Oustanding Student of Art and Design Faculty ITB, Indonesia

2016 AwardeeDAAD Stipendium – ISAP Program 2016/2017

2015 Winner of ASEAN-Korea Multimedia Art Competition ‘Lifestyle of ASEAN’, South Korea

2012. Awardee President’s Award for Educational Excellence 2012 by US Department of Education